Saturday, February 23, 2019

The lady opposite said

"You are not a superwoman"

And it reminded her of a day when she had sat in the night and cried helplessly before a practical exam because she just couldn't get the hang of any of the experiments and there was no time left to salvage the situation....her parents had told her don't worry........Just believe that you will be able to do the experiment and you will be able to..... next day when she went for the exam and with her heart in the mouth lifted the chit out of the box with the experiment name on turned out to be the one and only experiment she knew....

She thought to herself....

If I believe I can be one.....then only I will be one....

And she left the lady unanswered.....


Mrunalini said...

I still get dreams about getting late for the exams, studying for the wrong subject, not finding the exam hall etc. Though I was a bright student and very good at academics, I still see them testing my patience. Now life has thrown other exams at me in which I am trying to do my best. I loved the theme of your blog. Keep Writing!

Ira Mishra said...

Thanks so much for your time Mrunalini. Yeah, I think all of us still get those dreams...!!