Thursday, April 22, 2021

S - Snowflakes


Down came the snowflakes 
Descending over so gradually 
Bit by bit, flake by flake
Engulfing everything around
In that pristine shroud
Dissolving all the other hues 
Under a blanket of pure white
Almost enthralling all in a trance
Overwhelmingly making you believe 
In its forever permanence 
But for that, one lone bench 
That stood there testimony 
To that ever transient rhapsody
Of the fleeting emotions play
From time immemorial 
For, it had witnessed it all
And lived through the assortment 
Of the varied streaks of emotions
All, which often meant nothing 
More than a heart's manifestation 
Yet intertwined to form an embodiment  
Of everything, of that one single whole
Each entitled to an epithet of its own
One an enigma bigger than the other
However, whatever be they
Whether a necessary evil
Or an elusive fantasy 
They always came in 
And happened to befall
Just like the snow
Tiptoeing away stealthily 
Only leaving behind
Those few moments of euphoria 
That could be only held on
As the rest melted away
Season after season
Bit by bit, flake by flake

PS : This post is posted as part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2021 challenge for the letter S.  
Poem posted as part of the 30 day poetry challenge for the month of April #NaPoWriMo2021 and #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour.


  1. marvelous! how well you've portrayed the ephemeral snow and the shroud that it makes over the landscapes. How nicely you've put the tiptoeing emotions across, each entitled to an epithet of its own.

  2. Transience of life- very well captured. Your poems are so beautiful Ira.

  3. When it snows or for that matter when it rains also, sometimes you feel it is never going to end. Beautiful observations and composition.

  4. Isn't this what mythya looks like...the one our scared texts warn us about: "making you believe
    In its forever permanence "
    You are a gifted wordsmith. xx
