Monday, April 26, 2021

V - Virtue Of A Rock


As the flowers swayed
In all their vibrant hues
I sat along to a side
And gazed silently
A rock that I was
Seasons pranced past
With the flowers embracing 
Each of them with elan
Whether it be a quiver
Or a gleeful beam
But I remained the same
All along, all the way long
A rock that I was
Cloaking the cracks within
Guarding them under unseen
Neither by the flowers 
Nor by the changing seasons
For a rock that I was
But then wonder I did
At many a times
If my being a rock
Was at all a virtue
As they proclaimed 
For had I been just a flower
I could sway, laugh and cry
At any given hour
And the universe would 
Possibly then heed
Without batting an eye lid 
Unlike, as presupposed
For a rock that I was

PS : This post is posted as part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2021 challenge for the letter V.   
Poem posted as part of the 30 day poetry challenge for the month of April #NaPoWriMo2021 and #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour.


  1. Deepika11:09 PM

    Wonderfully woven together.
    Deepika Sharma

  2. There are so many layers of meaning that I could get from this. I think my favourite interpretation would be how the rock always has to be steady and cannot run and frolic like the flowers - much like some people who are often described as "rocks."

  3. Oh, such a poignant poem. So much emotion in the words. If only I wasn't a rock, how true!

  4. poignant...rock is as rock does

  5. Your poems in this series are becoming quite ruminative and philosophical.
