Saturday, April 10, 2021

I - If I Were


PC : Unsplash

If I were a poem
How would it have been
Would the verses have ended
In perfect rhyming couplets
Or would they have just been
Hanging abstracts indented
Would it have even sounded
Soulful and earnest
Or would it have been again 
As per the worldly definitions founded
Would it even have had 
As many verses to begin
Or just ended with 
A few phrases 
Few and far between
How ever it would have been
But I wonder, if we were all
Just another poem each
Who would even begin 
To read the other
Why and when
And finally, at the end
Would there be left behind
Just a book of unread poems then

PS : This post is posted as part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2021 challenge for the letter I. 
Poem posted as part of the 30 day poetry challenge for the month of April #NaPoWriMo2021 and #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour


  1. I loved this poem! I often wonder about the questions that you explored here.

  2. Ira how beautifully you bring out the intricacies of our lives. We are all already a book of unread poems, aren't we?

  3. Beautiful. That's what the Magic of life is waiting to be discovered like an unread book
    Deepika Sharma

  4. The opening line itself got me hooked! Awesome, Ira. I love how beautifully nuanced it is. As Sonia mentioned we are already a book of unread poems in a subtle way (I guess). Actually it hard to read and be read with all the inherent intricacies.

  5. This is so beautiful, Ira! Loved it. The last line is a clincher

  6. I always felt that we all our stories-your perspective makes me think maybe some stories are in verse and yes a lot them remain unread...v beautiful Ira. I wish I could write like you :-)

  7. This thought occurs to me also quite a few times, are we all unread poems

  8. A book of poems unread.
    A store of books to be written, yet.
    A universe of stories seen/unseen --waiting to be heard.
    Like Rumi said, I'd exchange my tongue for listening ears any day to hear you (my Divine).

    Loved your musings today and look where all I went with them:)

  9. A book of poems unread.
    A store of books to be written, yet.
    A universe of stories seen/unseen --waiting to be heard.
    Like Rumi said, I'd exchange my tongue for listening ears any day to hear you (my Divine) sing.
    Loved your musings today and look where all I went with them:)

  10. A lovely way of questioning ourselves. I agree with Sonia. We are a book of unread poems. <3

  11. To give company to "unread poems", many more such creative poems will be composed :)

  12. Life and its nuances and its secrets, we never know what happens till the end and your poem has brilliantly depicted that.

  13. Lovely lines, thought-provoking as well as emotive.
