Saturday, November 24, 2018

Let's Dance!!

As a 3 yr old... Grandpa asked her one day....come let's dance....And she said...but Grandpa I don't know how to dance... Come I will teach you.....but what if I look funny.... Then we will look funny my dear..... and they had danced!!

Last day of school... When everyone called her to dance... She refused saying don't know how to dance!!

In college, her best friend said she would ensure one day she dances....but by the time she got ready to dance....!!

He never bothered to ask her if she danced.....And when he did....She never bothered to answer that she didn't... !!

On graduation.. .She dismayed all by saying she doesn't dance!!

She asked him... Is it OK if I can't dance.. .He said haha it's OK even I don't know how to dance... We will learn together!! 

On post graduation... She just she didn't want to reply again... That she doesn't dance!! 

And years later, another 3 yr old asked her "Muma,  come dance!!" and she did dance and always will be glad to do so for him whenever he asks.....!!

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